Sunday 21 September 2014

Why the fault in are stars became a box office success.

Why the fault in are stars became a box office success.
The fault in are stars made 266 million in the box office and won the golden trailer award for best romance this obviously made people want to go and see the film because of the awards that it was given. The movie got the number one hit at the box office over its opening weekend proving that it was a success and that people really enjoyed the film.
I think that the reason the fault in are stars became such a massive hit was because of the popularity of john greens brilliant book. I think that the book influenced the amount of people that went to see the movie basing their judgement of the quality of the film on the book. The book was really good this made the success of the film larger I think because a lot more people wanted to go and watch it to compare it with the book.
Another reason why the movie was such a big hit is the huge mass of effort that went into the marketing of the movie, there were lots and lots of trailers that all looked good and sold the movie well to people by showing some of the good parts of the film that gripped the attention of the audience/ target market. The trailers made people really want to go and see the film and I really think that this defiantly pushed people to see it and helped a lot towards the movies popularity and fame.
As well as all that you can really empathize with the characters because it is a realistic thing that could happen and it’s a thing that does happen because of this lots of people can relate to the film and can understand the characters more than if the story was unrealistic. The film is directed differently to most of the new films that have come out recently, this is because of the low budget, there are no special effects and the film looks very simple however I think that this makes the movie stand out more making it more desirable to go and see it.
I think that the film was a success because it generally made people feel for the characters and the audience reacted how they should have, laughing when something was funny and crying when something was sad because the actors made you feel and emotion you could tell that the movie would have instant success the acting was exceptionally good this made the romance between the characters extremely realistic because the acting was so convincing and the directing was done really well with the low budget, this made the film really enjoyable to watch making it such a brilliant.

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