Wednesday 15 October 2014

An analysis of The shining.

The shining
The scene initially starts with a close up of the door and an open lock, the doors design is wooden, this could tell us or give meaning that the is something bad with in the room, because an upside down crucifix( the basic design of the door) signifies evil and satin making the room appear dangerous and evil. The unlocked door could be foreseeing that is going to happen later on in the film, that they will have to or need to lock this door, the use of mise-en-sen to me makes this scene seems negative and makes me think about what is going to happen throughout the scene. The use of close ups in generic in the horror genre not only to exaggerate a characters emotion but shown here to emphasize the importance of the lock and upside-down crossed style door.
As Danny enters the room there is a close up zoomed out into a mid-shot I think that this was done to emphasize the isolated nature of the film I think that with the use of this shot Danny appears to be in danger and seems to me to be almost trapped in that room this is also emphasised because of the low key lighting in the room, this makes the room seems smaller and I think that this was shot this way to almost drown the actor and the scene with the fact that the film progressively persists in showing the isolation that the family is in.
A quick camera pan to jack could show the shock of Danny that his father is still awake, and the fact that jack isn’t facing the camera he is glaring at the wall could indicate that he has been awake for some period of time, the mise-en-sen shows this because jack is wearing a dressing gown this backs up the idea of jack being awake for a period of time and hasn’t just been woken up. The camera has jack completely in the middle of the shot this could potentially indicate his level of sanity knowing later in the film that he shifts slightly out of centre shot this could have been done purposely to make the audience believe that jack, although staring at nothing, has some aspects of sanity.
After the initial sight you have of jack in the bed room you see him turn his head toward Danny (the camera) I thought that this gives the audience an insight of what is going to happen in the film, I found that the slow head turn as well as the non-diegetic high pitched strings that this action gave the scene a unsettling feeling to it, like something was about to happen. Instantly after this there is a jump cut to the other side of jack where you can see jack, jacks reflection in the mirror and Danny, I think that the director did this to maybe symbolise the split with in jack the line between sanity and insanity, the idea being that you aren’t the person in the mirror the reflection in the mirror is not you, I think that this was used well as you can see the lost expression on the actors face but can also see the reaction of Danny this to me gave the audience a clear insight of what either character was feeling therefore letting me interpret what is going to happen next, this is a convention of the horror genre; letting the audience imagine what is going to happen, depending on your imagination this scene could potentially scare you just with what you think is going to happen I think that this technique was used thoughtfully and very well.
The camera stays in the same position and then jump cuts to a mid-shot of jack looking at Danny, this shot doesn’t have the mirror reflection in it and also features jack gesturing Danny where to go, almost like he is reaching out to him and that his sanity is being restored because of the lack of the mirror in the shot. The music throughout this scene is no-diegetic and is repeated high pitched stings which is also a convention of the horror genre, the music indicates that there is still danger in the scene, to me this makes the scene still appear unnatural and creepy, the way that jack calls his son over is also very unnatural, its very nerving the way that things are said, it’s as if the character jack is using his words to taunt Danny or make Danny feel uncomfortable, this performance really adds to the effect of the scene and gives further meaning to the film, by the audience being able to detect abnormality’s within  a characters voice.
Danny walks into the shot slowly, like he is reluctant and is placed on jacks knee slowly with no change in the facial expression of the actors, this again could signify jacks insanity (repetitiveness is also a generic convention of the horror genre) or the unnaturalness of the situation, the way that both the characters are acting is almost like the character haven’t done this before, because of the awkwardness shown, however as the scene progresses jack seems to relax more and be more comfortable with what he is doing whereas Danny has no expression and is tense making you think that its Danny that’s awkward and doesn’t want to be in that situation, this makes you think that there could be bad history between them or jack did something that Danny didn’t like. As this progresses the camera jump cuts to face the front of the actors, the camera also gets closer this could have been done so that you can see the emotional barrier between the characters.
While the characters converse the non-diegetic music gets higher in pitch and more repetitive, the make tune played over and over again, this is a convention of the horror genre and I think that it was used to make the conversation more and more intense like something is about to happen that will make you jump but it doesn’t. within the conversation the character repeats the words forever and ever and ever, these words are said earlier in the film by two twin sister girls that were murdered in the hotel, this makes what he is saying seem almost spine chilling, the repetition of the words creates for me a tension because I know that Danny has heard what his dad is saying from two dead girls, to me this makes this scene one of the best scenes in the film because you can really start to depict the mentality of the character jack.

Molly Ryan.

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