Tuesday 8 September 2015

A2 presentation script: Spielberg

Dysfunctional families are a common theme in Stephen Spielberg’s films, does this make him an auteur?

projector: Images of Steven Spielberg (item 9), and question shown underneath.

speaker: An auteur is a film director who influences their films so much that they rank as their author. "Directors who show a consistency in style and theme are called auteur's." (item 14) In my personal opinion I think that Spielberg’s experiences throughout his life really affect the way in which he directs his films, I think that he put a lot of what happened in his personal family life into his work, this is what I found out...

speaker: The first film that I thought really emphasised a dysfunctional family was E.T. In this film there shows a family without a dad and it seems that E.T. comes along as a father figure for Elliot, " E.T. becomes a surrogate father and friend to Elliot whose father in the story has divorced his mother." This quote backs up my idea a lot,"(item 5) when he was young his parents divorced he still included the divorce in his film E.T. which makes me think more that he is an auteur. (item 1) "Steven Spielberg’s films tend to convey a certain “heaviness” with regard to adult life but joy and belief with regard to the children. He is at his most effective in his films that focus on childhood, such as E.T. (item 8) because I know that this kind of thing happened when he was a child it makes me think that because he put his own life experiences into his films that he is an auteur.

projector: Phone home scene (item 1)

speaker: In this scene you can see E.T. learning to talk English and asking to phone home, this scene makes me think that E.T really wants to be with his family, this also makes me think of when Spielberg was younger, “the films drama is driven largely by the main characters faith and desire to return home.” This is significant to me because when Steven Spielberg was young he moved around a lot with his dad’s job, and perhaps when he was young all he wanted to do was return home after moving to so many different places. However, it also says that E.T. was a substitute to a dad or a friend, this could be Spielberg’s way of saying that Elliot wanted his dad to come home, because of this it really makes you think that Spielberg is putting his own life into this film, which I think makes him an auteur. (item 5) This scene to me really portrays the connection between Spielberg's life and Elliot's life the film, making me think that he is an auteur.

projector: Elliot cuts his finger scene. (item 1)

speaker: In this scene you can see Elliot cutting his finger and e.t healing it, but what stand out the most for me in the scene is that Elliot's mom is Reading Peter Pan in the background. For me this is important because the story of Peter Pan is about a lost boy from a different world who take on the role of a father to the lost boys, I think that this is significant because I can’t see the same thing with E.T. and Elliot. This relates to my opinion that Spielberg is an auteur because he was away from home when he was a child, much like E.T. or Elliot. (item 1) “For me e.t was both the quintessential story of my childhood and at the same time the end of my childhood, it gave me the courage, based on its success, to start more adult subjects. E.T. gave me a free pass to fail." this quote really makes me believe that he is an auteur, because he actually states that he put his own life into this film. E.T. was a great experience for me because I wanted to be a dad after making it. I wasn’t a father and I kind of became a father to those three kids." this quote really does suggest that he put his life into this film and made it completely his own, I think that he got so connected to his own story that it changed him and I really believe that this backs up my opinion. (item 4)

projector: E.T. Leaving Earth scene. (item 1)

speaker: In this scene E. T’s family come back to take him home, which to me is a really important scene in the film as you can really see the connection between the life of Spielberg and the characters, what I mean by this is that in the film all E.T wanted to do was go home and be with his family, just like Spielberg when he was living with his father. All he wanted to do was go home and be with his family, (item 4) because of the way that Spielberg has put himself into this film, it really shows that he is an auteur.

Another film that shows Spielberg's use of dysfunctional family's is A.I. (Artificial intelligence) Having researched this film I have found that the original idea for A.I. was by Stanley Kubrick. Before he passed away he had been talking to Spielberg about the ideas that he had for the film and he had asked him to direct it. When Kubrick passed away, he did, I think that this is one of his more personal films, the whole theme of being loved and the feeling of belonging, when he started to produce the film he didn’t change any of the story but really put himself into it. (item 6)

projector: Imprinting on David scene (item 2)

speaker: I think that this scene is significant because it really shows a dysfunctional family, almost at its worst, the family is replacing their dying son with a robot and this scene where David imprints on the mother sets that in stone. Although Spielberg didn't include his own life experiences into this scene I do however think that it really emphasises how dysfunctional this family, which makes me think that my opinion of him being an auteur is correct because of his frequent repetition of style, by this I mean his continuous use of dysfunctional families. (item 2)

projector: Abandoning David scene (item 2)

speaker: This scene however differs from the previous one that I showed, in this scene David is being abandoned by his Mother rather than being destroyed. This scene makes me think of Spielberg's life. When Spielberg left with his father he felt abandoned by his mother, (item 6) this shows to me that my idea is correct. Spielberg put himself into this film with his use of dysfunctional families, I think that this shows he is an auteur. “I basically learnt to put more of my own experiences into my films for my characters in my pictures, I’m encouraged". this is quote of him admitting that he puts himself into his films which really backs up my theory and almost proves it. In A.I. his whole plan changed because not only did he have to use his own style of directing, in the sense that he wanted to put some of his own experiences into the film, he also felt that he had to use Stanley Kubrick’s style. For example using Stanley’s favourite lens in most of his shots when he was directing the film. Even thought when you watch it you can see a lot a Kubrick’s style you can tell that it’s a Spielberg film and I think that his ability to do that truly shows that he is an auteur. (item 6)

projector: Teddy and David trapped under the Ferris wheel scene (item 2)

In this scene it shows Teddy and David trapped and then saved by aliens. The ending of A.I. for Kubrick was that David and teddy were trapped under the Ferris wheel in the sea, he wanted them to be trapped until their batteries ran out and then the credits would role. However, this did not happen, there is a lot of controversy about the ending because Spielberg put his own idea and twist into the film and added aliens to the end. Because of this fact I can’t help but think that he wanted to put more of himself into the film rather than making it a Kubrick film. (item 10) This makes him an auteur because even though it wasn’t entirely his film he still wanted to put himself into it. (item 6) In the end David got to spend one more day with his mother, the dream to be part of a functional family and to be loved came true, this to me relates to Spielberg's life making me think that he is an auteur.

Another example of a Spielberg film that includes dysfunctional families is The Colour Purple, (item 3)

projector: Celie and Nattie are split scene (item 3)

speaker: For me this is one of the most powerful scenes for showing dysfunction in families. Although this only relates to Spielberg slightly as he wasn't forced from his family, it does show a really, truly dysfunctional family at an extreme. I have used this film as one of my examples because this is the first serious film that Spielberg made. (item 4) By serious I mean the story is really hard hitting and emotional. This film to me really shows that he is an auteur because it doesn't matter what the genre of the film is, it still shows the same consistency in theme. (item 3) (item 14)

projector: "I don’t think that I could have made Schindler's List or empire of the sun without the colour purple, that would have been impossible I didn’t have the maturity, the craft and the emotional information. “(quote) (item 4)

speaker: This quote to me, (although I don’t think there is any relation between the film and Steven Spielberg’s childhood other than dysfunctional families) makes me think that Steven Spielberg is an auteur. Because of the severity of the plot of The Colour Purple I think that this film helped him to be an auteur because of the amazing films that he was mature enough to make after the production of The Colour Purple. (item 4) I think the fact that this film is almost entirely based on really dysfunctional family’s really helps me to answer my question. This film was one a Spielberg’s most emotional pictures, and I believe that he would have really had to think about his own family life and what was bad about it and then think about how much worse it could have been. I think that’s why Spielberg was the author to this film, he used it to mature himself, he made this film apart of himself which in my opinion makes him an auteur.

projector: Celie is reunited with her children scene (item 3)

speaker: This scene reminds me a lot of my focus scene because it has the same kind of ending. that ending being that E.T. goes home and is reunited with his family. This is just like the ending of The Colour Purple, this makes me think that Spielberg is an auteur because of the similarities in style and in themes. (item 14) It is so alike his other films even though has a completely different story and I think that his use of dysfunctional families in these films makes him an auteur.

projector: photographs from the book "cinema of loneliness". (item 7)

projector: photographs from Duel to bridge if spies- telegraph (item 9)

conclusion: " Hardly a single one of my films isn’t based on something that happened in my childhood."(item 4) This proves my argument, Spielberg himself has said that he uses his own experiences as a child in his film. I think that proves that he is an auteur. Going back to my original question, Dysfunctional families are a common theme in Stephen Spielberg’s films, does this make him an auteur? Yes, I believe it does, he puts parts of himself into all of his films and makes them his own, because of his consistency in style and theme, (item 14) I think that this makes him an auteur.

Molly Ryan

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